The logo of the World Airline Road Race featuring a globe of the world surrounded by a laurel wreath.

World Airline Road Race Festival London 2010

The event logo of the World Airline Road Race 2010 London featuring a running shoe whose lace forms the course of the river Thames over well known London landmarks

London Host Committee

London Host Committee:



Katherine Henville
Project Manager


Roderick Hoffman
Race Director


Simon Turton


Natalie Lang


Roderick Hoffman

Contact us:

for general information or suggestions:


email us at:

Other Host Committee members include:


P. Brandon, N. Edge, B. Forrester, A. Friar, I. Hudson, C. Kelly, S. Newell, T. Plows, B. Ruffell, H. Smith, J. Smith, G., J., & M. Taylor, M. Woodhouse, J. Williams and other members of the British Airways Athletics Club.