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The World Airline Road Race is one big family and as with all families it's good to help out when you can.
As the event approaches we'll put out a request for anyone arriving early and with time on their hands to consider helping us out with matters such as registration.
Some London based Airline WARRiors might like to get involved before then - please contact us at to offer your services.
The Host Committee and the International Committee are always on the lookout for new ways of spreading the message to potential participants or supporting companies or on any other ways of making the World Airline Road Race Festival bigger or better. Let us know any ideas you have.
Several of you have been asking about posters and leaflets. The official promotional poster has now been released and is available here - click on the image to the left (465Kb). There is also a promotional leaflet (930Kb). This is based on the leaflet we produced for Hangzhou but has updated information on the front and new information on the back about the festival and venues. It is designed to be printed double-sided and then folded on the dotted lines. When you view the pdf on screen the first page appears upside-down - but it does print correctly. If you want to save or email either of these then display the image and then use the "file/save page as..." command.
Ruth Keefer suggested a simple "business card" sized handout with key event information that could be printed from the website and handed to colleagues on flights or in the office. The following link loads a GIF file (500kb). Load it, print it full size on an A4 sheet, cut and fold it into 7 double sided business card handouts and hand them out as you can. Thank you.